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5 personen gevonden.

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woman Parr, Anne X William Herbert 1st Earl of Pembroke * ‎1515 † ‎1552
woman Parr, Catherine Queen of England 1e X John Neville 3rd Baron of Latimer, 2e X Edward Borough, 3e X Henry VIII Tudor, 4e X Thomas Seymour * ‎1512 * Castle, Kendal, Westmoreland † ‎5 sep 1548 † Castle, Sudely, Gloucester
man Parr, Thomas Sir Thomas Parr of Kendal, Westmoreland X Maud Green † ‎1517
man Parr, William X Elizabeth
man Parr, William 1st Baron Hart 1st Baron Parr 1st Marquess of Northampton X Anne Bourchier * ‎14 aug 1513 * Blackfriars, Londen, Middlesex, Engeland † ‎27 okt 1571 † Warwick, Warwickshire, Engeland