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9 personen gevonden.

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man Zouche, Alan 1st Baron La Zouche of Ashby la X Eleonor de Segrave
man Zouche, Edo la X Millicent de Cantilupe
man Zouche, Edward 11th Baron of Zouche. la 1e X ElĂ©anor, 2e X Sarah of Harington * ‎6 jun 1556 † ‎18 aug 1625
woman Zouche, Eleonor La X John Lovell 6th Baron of Lovell * ‎1367 * Northamptonshire, Engeland † ‎1 sep 1429 † Tichmarsh, Northamptonshire, Engeland
woman Zouche, Eva la X Maurice of Berkeley 2nd Baron of Berkeley † ‎1314
man Zouche, George 10th Baron of Zouche la X n.n.
man Zouche, John la X Joan de Dinham * ‎1459 † ‎1525
woman Zouche, Joyce la X Robert Mortimer * ‎± 1248 † ‎± 1290
woman Zouche, Maud la X Robert Holland † ‎1349