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7 personen gevonden.

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woman Woodville, Anne X William Bourchier Vicount Bourchier * ‎1438 † ‎30 jul 1489
woman Woodville, Catherine 1e X Henry Stafford 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 2e X Jasper Tudor 1st Duke of Bedford, 3e X Richard Wingfield * ‎1458 * Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, Engeland † ‎18 mei 1497
woman Woodville, Elizabeth X Edward IV of York Koning an Engeland * ‎1437 * Grafton Regis, Northants † ‎8 jun 1492 † Bermondsey Abbey, Engeland
man Woodville, John X Katherine Neville † ‎1469
woman Woodville, Margaret X Thomas FitzAlan
woman Woodville, Mary X William Herbert 2nd Earl of Pembroke * ‎1456 * Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, Engeland † ‎1481 † Tintern Abbey, Chapel Hill, Mormouthshire, Wales, Engeland
man Woodville, Richard X Jacquetta de Luxembourg † ‎1469