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49 personen gevonden.

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woman Willoughby, Alice
woman Willoughby, Anne
man Willoughby, Anthony Sir Anthony Willoughby
man Willoughby, Baldwin
woman Willoughby, Cecily X Edward Sutton 2nd Baron of Dudley
man Willoughby, Christopher 10th Baron Willoughby de Eresby X Margaret Jenney * ‎1453 † ‎1 nov 1498
man Willoughby, Christopher X Elizabeth Tailboys † ‎± 1538
man Willoughby, Edmund X Isabel de Annesley
man Willoughby, Edmund
man Willoughby, Edward † ‎1517
woman Willoughby, Eleanor * ‎± 1433 † ‎na 1487
woman Willoughby, Elizabeth X Henry de Beaumont
woman Willoughby, Elizabeth X William Eure 1st Baron Eure * ‎1483
woman Willoughby, Elizabeth X William FitzAlan 8th Baron Maltravers 11th Earl of Arundel
woman Willoughby, Elizabeth X John Paulet † ‎1552
man Willoughby, Francis X Elizabeth Lyttelton
man Willoughby, George
man Willoughby, Henry
man Willoughby, Henry
man Willoughby, Hugh 1e X Isabel Foljambe, 2e X Margaret de Freville * ‎± 1392 * Nottinghamshire, Engeland † ‎15 nov 1448 † Nottinghamshire, Engeland
man Willoughby, Hugh
woman Willoughby, Isabel * ‎± 1413 † ‎na 1475
woman Willoughby, Joan 7th Baroness Willoughby de Eresby X Richard Welles 7th Baron of Welles * ‎± 1425 † ‎voor 13 feb 1462
man Willoughby, John
man Willoughby, John X Cecily Wentworth
woman Willoughby, Joyce
woman Willoughby, Katherine 12th Barones Willoughby X Charles Brandon
woman Willoughby, Katherine X John Heydon Sir John Haydon
woman Willoughby, Margaret X Robert Spencer 1st Baron Spencer of Wormleighton
woman Willoughby, Margaret X Thomas Tyrrell Sir Thomas Tyrrell of Gipping, Suffolk