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11 personen gevonden.

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woman Welles, Anne
woman Welles, Cecily X Robert Willoughby Sir Robert Willoughby of Parham, Suffolk
woman Welles, Eleonor † ‎voor 1504
woman Welles, Elizabeth
woman Welles, Joan
man Welles, John 1st Viscount Welles X Cecilia of York * ‎± 1450 † ‎9 feb 1499
woman Welles, Katherine
man Welles, Lionel 6th Baron of Welles 1e X Cecily "Jane" Waterton, 2e X Margaret de Beauchamp of Bletso * ‎± 1406 † ‎29 mrt 1461 † Towton, Yorkshire, Engeland
woman Welles, Margaret † ‎13 jul 1480
man Welles, Richard 7th Baron of Welles X Joan Willoughby 7th Baroness Willoughby de Eresby * ‎± 1428 † ‎12 mrt 1470 † Stamford, Lincolnshire, Engeland
man Welles, Robert 8th Baron Willoughby de Eresby X Elizabeth Bourchier † ‎19 mrt 1470 † Stamford, Lincolnshire, Engeland