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woman Washborne, Eleanor 1e X John "William" Windham Sir John Wyndham., 2e X Richard Scrope Sir Richard Scrope of Upsall. * ‎1446 * Stanford, Worcestershire, Engeland † ‎1505 † Wichenford, Worcestershire, Engeland
man Washborne, Francis * ‎± 1483
man Washborne, Joan X Joan Mitton * ‎± 1460 * Weston, Staffordshire, Engeland † ‎na 1483 † Wichenford, Worcestershire, Engeland
man Washborne, John * ‎± 1479 † ‎voor 1547
man Washborne, John Sir John Washborne of Washbourne Manor. X Jane Musard
man Washborne, Norman Sir Norman Washborne. X Elizabeth Kniveton * ‎± 1420 * Stanford, Worcestershire, Engeland † ‎2 okt 1480 † Evesham, Cloucestershire, Engeland
man Washborne, Robert * ‎± 1476 † ‎voor 1517
man Washborne, Walter * ‎± 1481 † ‎na 1517