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8 personen gevonden.

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woman Ross, Dorothea of X Torquil MacLeod
man Ross, Hugh of X Margaret Graham Countess of Menteith
woman Ross, Isabel of X Edward Bruce Earl of Carrick High King of Ireland Lord of Galloway * ‎1288
man Ross, John Sir John Ross. of X Margaret Comyn
woman Ross, Marjory of X Malise Stratheanrn 8th Earl of Strathearn Earl of Caithness Earl of Orkney † ‎na 1350
man Ross, Walter of † ‎± 23 jun 1314
man Ross, Willam I "William" Earl of Ross of X Joan Comyn * ‎± 1196 † ‎1274
man Ross, William II Earl of Ross of X Euphemia Berkeley * ‎voor 1274 † ‎± 1323