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10 personen gevonden.

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man Pole, Arthur Lord of The Manor of Broadhurst in Sussex X Jane Lewkenor * ‎± 1502 † ‎1535
man Pole, Geoffrey Lord of The Manor of Lordington in Sussex X Constance Pakenham * ‎± 1501 † ‎1558
man Pole, Henry 1st Baron Montagu X Jane Neville * ‎± 1492 † ‎jan 1539
man Pole, Henry X Margaret Neville * ‎na 1520 † ‎na sep 1542
woman Pole, Katherine X Francis Hastings 2nd Earl of Huntingdon * ‎1519 † ‎23 sep 1576
man Pole, Reginald Kardinaal Aartsbisschop van Canterbury, als laatste Rooms-katholiek op deze bisschopszetel * ‎3 mrt 1500 * Stourton Castle, Staffordshire, Engeland † ‎17 nov 1558 † Lambeth, Londen, Engeland
man Pole, Richard X Margaret PlantagenĂȘt 8th Countess of Salisbury * ‎1462 † ‎okt 1504
man Pole, Thomas X Elizabeth Wingfield * ‎na 1519
woman Pole, Ursula X ? Stafford 1st Baron Stafford * ‎± 1504 † ‎1570
woman Pole, Winifred 1e X Thomas Hastings, 2e X Thomas Barrington Sir * ‎na 1521