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17 personen gevonden.

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woman Manners, Ann X Henry Neville
woman Manners, Elizabeth X William de Courtenay Sir William Courtenay
woman Manners, Elizabeth X John Savage Lord of Rocksavage * ‎± 1530 † ‎8 aug 1570
woman Manners, Francis X Henry Neville 6th Baron of Bergavenny * ‎± 1530 † ‎sep 1576
woman Manners, Gertrude X George Talbot 6th Earl of Shrewsbury * ‎± 1525 * Helmsley Castle, Yorkshire, Engeland † ‎jan 1567
man Manners, Henry 2nd Earl of Rutland & N.N.
man Manners, Henry 2nd Earl of Rutland X Bridget Hussey Countess of Rutland * ‎1526 † ‎1563
man Manners, John 2nd Duke of Rutland 1e X Catherine Russell, 2e & N.N. * ‎18 sep 1676 † ‎22 feb 1721
man Manners, John 1st Duke of Rutland X Catherine Wriotheshly Noel * ‎29 mei 1638 † ‎10 jan 1711 † Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, Engeland
man Manners, John 8th Earl of Rutland X Frances Montagu * ‎10 jun 1604 † ‎29 sep 1679
man Manners, John X Dorothy Vernon * ‎± 1534 † ‎1611
woman Manners, Katherine X Henry Capell Sir.
woman Manners, Lucy X William Graham 2nd Duke of Montrose * ‎1717 † ‎1788
man Manners, Oliver
man Manners, Roger
man Manners, Thomas 1st Earl of Rutland 12th Baron of Ros of Helmsley 1e )( Elizabeth Lovell, 2e X Eleonor Paston * ‎1497 † ‎20 sep 1543
man Manners, Thomas