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woman Longspée, Ela 1e X Thomas de Beaumont 6th Earl of Warwick Baron of Hocknorton and Hedenton, 2e X Philip Basset * ‎1210 † ‎1298
woman Longspée, Ida 1e X Roland of Somery Lord Dudley, 2e X William de Beauchamp * ‎1208 * Salisbury, Wiltshire, Engeland † ‎7 jan 1268 † Salisbury, Wiltshire, Engeland
woman Longspée, Margaret 4e Gravin van Salisbury X Henry de Lacy * ‎± 1254 † ‎1309
woman Longspée, Mary X n.n. * ‎1202 † ‎1262
man Longspée, Nicolas Bisschop van Salisbury † ‎1297
woman Longspée, Pernel
man Longspée, Richard
man Longspée, Stephen X Emeline de Ridelsford † ‎1260
man Longspée, William III X Maud de Clifford * ‎na 1226 † ‎± 1256