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9 personen gevonden.

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man Hepburn, Adam Master of Hailes X Helen Home
man Hepburn, Adam Lord Hailes X Agnes Stewart * ‎± 1492 † ‎9 sep 1513 † Flodden Field,
woman Hepburn, Elizabeth X Alexander Montgomery 1st Lord Montgomerie
man Hepburn, George * ‎± 1454 † ‎9 sep 1513
man Hepburn, James 1st Duke of Orkney 4th Earl of Bothwell 1e )( Anna Throndsen, 2e X Jean Gordon Countess of Bothwell, 3e X Mary Stuart Koningin van Schotland * ‎± 1535 † ‎14 apr 1578 † Schloss Dragsholm, Seeland, Denemarken
woman Hepburn, Janet Lady Morham 1e X John Sinclair Master of Caitness, 2e X John Stewart † ‎voor 27 jul 1599
woman Hepburn, Margaret 1e X David Wemyss, 2e X Henry Sinclair 4th Lord of Sinclair * ‎± 1456 † ‎8 nov 1542
man Hepburn, Patrick 1st Earl of Bothwell X Janet Douglas * ‎± 1452 † ‎18 okt 1508
man Hepburn, Patrick 3rd Earl of Botwell )( Agnes Sinclair * ‎1512 † ‎sep 1556 † Dumfries, Schotland