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7 personen gevonden.

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woman Dunbar, Elizabeth Countess of Morey & George Gordon 2nd Earl of Huntly
man Dunbar, James 7th Earl of Morey & N.N.
woman Dunbar, Janet X William Seton Master of Seton.
man Dunbar, John Earl of Moray X Marjorie Stewart
man Dunbar, John X Isabella MacDuff Countess of Fife † ‎1371
woman Dunbar, Margaret X Alexander Lindsay 4th Earl of Crawford * ‎voor 1415 † ‎voor 1499
woman Dunbar, Marjory X Alexander Lindsay 2nd Earl of Crawford * ‎± 1386 * Dunbar, East Lothian, Schotland † ‎na 23 apr 1429 † Crawford, Lanarkshire, Schotland